Monday, July 6, 2009


HellOOoo Monsters

Just saw the 1st episode of Kul-Veera...looking gr8 with the new treatment to our mythological characters.please have look...

Kul Veera - The Making of Heroes is a property jointly developed & produced by Graphiti & Turner International as part of the SNAPTOONS initiative.

for more information please visit-



Deepak said...

it is AWESOME......very mazedaar...

KASANA said...

Hey Thanks Sunny ! Don't have TV to watch.
Its looking very nice. Though scope for improvement. But still no issue.
Even treatment and storytelling is quite different than what we have seen before.
I really appreciate Cartoon Network for promoting Indian Content. Now I guess we have 4-5 good serials on air.
Good Encouragement.

Harish k said...

awesome..really nice to see this animation.."ray of hope"

but for me few things i didn't like..
the shooting of the arrow is tooo much i feel..hehehe!!
they have over done some action in the fighting part...actually i am happy..because for the first time,i have seem moves which r over its all about reducing the moves n getting it right & beautiful..
All the Best to the crew

Prasad said...

Great ! ...i really liked the concept overall ...does anybody know next schedule of this show ?!

animutant said...

Official launch of Kul-veera was 14th of june '09 on Cartoon Network...But right now i have seen just one episode of it on CN,which i have already shared here on the blog.Its timings are 9.30 a.m and 6.00 p.m IST every Sunday.
but as i said i checked it last week and even schedule of shows on CN's official website,there's no info about the show.Just watch CN you will get to know more.