Well, it's good to see so many guy's joined this team. Really appreciate Vinay and Kasana for this attempt. For me,Learning the craft of animation is all about experimenting and sharing the result of each experiment so that the other person can always add on what you found :) Afterall, all kind of knowledge does it's function when u share it, not when u achieve it. I think this blog is going in the right direction and doing it's purpose really good. The only thing we lack is 100% participation. To participate, doesn't really mean u have to put ur blocking for critics or u must not say comments on some work just because u r a fresher.
This is just a place to put your ideas,thoughts or suggestions on the posts.. Each post is someone's thought, realization,a new thing someone learned or someone's animation.. all these things will find a different point of view or an acting choice when it goes through another one's mind. because , we r all supposed to be creative people..and creative people think different from the normal thought flow. that 'difference..just put it in words..that's what i asked as participation. when ur thought start flowing in, it can take things to greater heights. A mere thought occurred to you can make someone's animation to a lever which he never had thought about. And that's what exactly went on our minds while starting this blog.
Now we got more than 10 guys. Definitely 10 brains makes a stronger team than 2 or 3. but only if they work together and share thoughts. so C'mon guys! get in. comment those posts..put in new posts..pitch new ideas (crazier the better) ..participate.! It's a terrible thing to see so many names in the members list only a few does all the activity!:)
And vinay, Kasana..we gotta finish off th design and logo character soon. the blog is growing each day even without participation :P.
C'mon guyz! looking out for some action in here.!!
thats a good thing u have mentioned roshan, i hope others wud read this and take it upa a lil more seriously... besides lets have a "RSS " feed for our blog so dat ppl like me, who fail to check the blog on day-to-day basis get a mail or the feed in the bookmarks automatically... (damm we guys can be so lazy and clumsy, tht the blog has to remind us abt the new posts..lols..)
P.S - Dont mind my sick jokes... its 2.46 in the night... and i need a coffee...
ahem ahem, vinay/kasana can you guys get the RSS feed on the logo ??
ya chintan we'll add RSS feed. but I've no idea how to do.
if you know please tell I'll do it.
and ya Roshan. most prbly we ll finish Logo in this weekend.
And I must say this image is really good. goes with the topic......
Roshan i ve no words. U ve told everything. Just hope it makes sense to all. I am sure they all will participate. And chints just gimme more info about rss feed. Would u?
thatnx guys .. i can already see the change..
but... hmmm...
Muhahahahahah hahaah!!!!
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