Hey folks, Another dark day in the history of our country after a terrible terror attack in mumbai. I was shocked seeing all these events on television. Think about the people who suffered and lost lives with this outrageous event . Damn, we Indians have to unite and fight this terrorism once in for all. We dont need this. We are a peaceful country. I hope this will come to and end soon.
Lets light a candle for the innocent souls who lost their lives and mourn for them for a few minutes.:(
cheers vinay
War by India may be the only answer, now when it is obvious that who is behind it ...remember what America did after 9/11 ...that's the answer ...enough of talking !
i swear! we're tooo submissive and forgiving... and the worst part: we adjust to the situation too soon than fighting it. india's probably the ONLY country that hasnt started a war on any other country. and these F****** terrorists are taking advantage of that! IT'S TIME WE KICKED THEIR ASSES AND TAUGHT THEM A LESSON!
True....i think its high time, we put a stop to this T.T
Turn aggressive and do what??? go n kill innocent ppl? where does that lead us??? do the same thing that the america did??? if we do da same thing how r we different from the terrorists? before u turn hostile on me! I am not asking ne1 to forgive or forget nething... all I am saying is to protect outself better and more violence is not the answer
i agree with vedanth! we need to come out with measures to take immediate and effective control whenever such attacks happen.
Measures? cmon people.Why do we have to wait for them to attack so that we can take measures. One line. STOP TERRORISM. The end. What ever it may take to stop it, we should bother about it. Its time to end all these and live in peace
And What may i ask we do to stop terrorism? Why dont we go and attack the country that sent them??? just kill everyone??? no opposition no terrorism... then what??? you think just attacking will solve problem... I dont think so...all it will cause it more problems... what chandu and I are saying is that strenthen our security... be more alert... and try to make sure that such a thing doesnt repeat... attaking other afghan didnt help america... da culprits of 9/11 are still out dere... all that happened was more innocent people were killed... only this time in the name of bringing peace...
I bevlive Violence begets Violence...
Ved we have been more than enough patience n humble to there country lon time...What the F___k they want???
Show n train the wrong ways to the young mind about hatred,terror..Why dont they take a step to clean there mess first than just pretend to be good.."A______s"...Yes i do agree to tighten up our security system n elect educated leaders...I think every think thing has limit, even to peace...
all I am saying is not all of them are evil and not all of us are innocent... you dont cut a tree down just because a branch is bugging you... you cut the branch off... thats what i belive we should do... CUT THE GOD DAMN Branch not the whole tree...
YESSS violence begets violence! but unfortunately that's the ONLY language terrorists understand! and i'm not saying by turning aggressive we shud go ahead and kill innocents in pakistan (that's another HUUUUGE headache now, u can never tell who's innocent and who's not... the terrorists who entered taj looked like a bunch of students!). and infact blaming a country is pointless cuz it's not the country, it's SOME people in the country who do this. pakistan itself saw its own terrorist attack! remember Marriott Hotel?? so i wud say india and pakistan (and infact the WHOLE world) shud unite (gosh that's another cliched dialogue), FIND those terrorists and f****** KILL them!! or better, FEED them to piranhas! even WE as civilians shud be more alert and look out for any suspicious people around, be it a stranger or a friend or even a family member!
and yes, our security too shud be more alert... but how long has this been successful?? the security gets alert for one or 2 days.. or maybe a week... and then?? things go back to the lethargic normalcy. and THAT'S when these retards attack! for cryin out loud, there have been sooo many times i've seen security lapses. THIS IS THE PATHETIC STATE OF THE SECURITY SYSTEM OF INDIA! WHY wudnt those terrorists attack??? on top of that, did u see what those policemen were wearing when they first went inside to counter attack?? SIMPLE UNIFORM! no bullet proof jackets no nothing! THAT'S how these people are sent in to fight and protect us??? arent their lives valuable?? IS THIS HOW WE TREAT OUR HEROES?? pay them peanuts, give them 19th century weapons and expect them to face AK47s, AND COME OUT VICTORIOUS?? for god's sake, these policemen have those obsolete wi-fi talkies while the terrorists use blackberries!!
this brings me to another reason as to why we're so defenseless before the terrorists. it's because of our f***** up political system. these dirty politicians are only interested in scoring brownie points for their own benefit! they dont give a shit abt protecting people, or providing better equipments to our policemen. did u see the way they reacted to the mumbai firngs? they came a day late, and some (including our retarded coward manmohan singh) didnt turn up at ALL! LK advani gave a loooooo(zzz zzz)ooooong speech saying how he condemns such acts. yea rite, like, WE'RE very proud of it. why dont ya just stfu and TAKE ACTION??!!! lets see wht u wud have done if ONE of ur family members was killed in the attack!!
i believe it wud all hope to start to turn alright IF we vote for younger uncorrupted (ok lets make that LESS corrupted) people to run the country, who are dedicated to provide basic protection to the people of india.
i'm scared to take the bus to college now... jesus!
Watch News Channel, Visit public forums all over Internet, listen public views.
you will listen same things which we are talking. Few will be Pro n few will be Against.
After one week this news will go to 3rd page from front page. next week on 7th page and next week it will disappear.
And again we'll be busy in our routine life.
Then after one month, next terrorist activity...and we are back to discuss the issue, Reasons & solutions.
Nothing Wrong in discussing. But ......then what???.....
I don't want to go into details.. But Root cause Our Politician.
And we share this blame equally with politicians. Cause we ( Literate Segment) don't vote and choose right candidate. knowing politicians, politics and current affairs is boring for us.
I know few may say we don't have option to choose right leader.
My Answer is " I want to stay Positive."
I'll Vote and will do best at my level.
And Did I say that I share the blame equally.
Dude unsound..u know what,i think u really don't know how much pain this thing as caused...go and watch some news channel..be more alert and do what..man its better to avoid a disease then to keep a tablet with u,then live in fear when it will attack..
i am not against peace..but some time u need to react..
kasana is right tho
actually that's the truth..
dont tell me about hurt OK!!! I BLOODY Lived There... I went to the places you saw on the TV... I went there with my friends... with relatives... my dad used to come back from the office and catch the train @ CST around the time the terrorists attack... I feel the Pain and loss of everyone lost much as any one else... but i wont let emotion lead my judgment... remember WW I was started by killing just one person... and millions died... let us assume a war started... and u think it is only the other country which will suffer casualty??? they WILL attack back... and then the history repeats itself... hundreds of soldier dies... we hold a memorial service... and poof back to the same old thing... everything calm... till one day BLAM again the same thing starts... nothing changes... all I think we should do is to be prepared... being aggressive is only gonna bring in more grief... and I seriously believe a soldiers life is as important as the rest of ours. And dont want to see them wasted
woha ! ...chill out dude ...as far my comment is concerned i never wanted to say that go and start bombarding all over that country ...i just meant that fight with the army, truly the backbone of these terrorists, destroy training camps ...stop all interaction with them, no cricket matches, don't want there artists in out tv programmes, enough of 'mein hoon na' themed movies ...that type of war ...and that when we are sure about who did this ...it's just our rage ...i totally agree stupid things happen in rage ...so peace :)
hmmm hahahhe!! fighting like kids..
anyways i think this forum is for animation..i would like it if its only for animation...fighting among ourself is not going to help anyone..
Lets start ANIMATING!! HAHA...
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