Monday, January 18, 2010

cowboya horsieeee....

hey monsters...

i've been working on horse animation and have finished blocking....

would like C&C on the animation....

i've just blocked and converted the whole thing linear...

thank you...

horse Presp from vedanth rajan on Vimeo.

(cam im planning)

horse Side view from vedanth rajan on Vimeo.

(side view)


Chandrashekhar Ramprasad said...

Hi! Unsound, can you give us more length. Repeat it a couple of times so we could see it better. It is looking fine though, little jerk at the hind leg, hip.

Prasad said...

Yep, missed that loop here as chandrashekhar suggested or upload it on vimeo, we can download the file there and loop it !

vedanth rajan said...

edited plz check now...

Chandrashekhar Ramprasad said...

Hi! Vedanth,

The horse first:

Looking good. The head and tail of the horse are moving smoothly!

The body is not doing much. I don't know whether it is the rig, but the torso (front and rear parts) are not moving, or moving very less. The only part seen moving are the thigh muscles of the rear leg and the front leg.

The motion should initiate from the hip, or pelvis. We are missing out on the up and down movement of the pelvis and the chest part.

Because we see only the hips moving up and down, it looks a little weird. Does the rig have a control to translate and rotate the pelvis? That could do the work.

Now the man:

He seems to be moving faster than the tempo of the horse. It looks like the horse is walking slow, but he is moving his head and the spine faster than the horse.

Again it might be just me, but it looks like that.

You can try delaying the man's movement. Let the horse take a step and then, the man moves, then it takes another step and then the man moves again.

Rest looks good. Keep up the good work. Happy animating!

vedanth rajan said...

thanks chandu...

i guess i got lazy wit the pelvis and the hips (its moving but it effects the body very little) the body is fk and I was getting lazy to counteranimate...

toning down the mans movement...

working on the changes...

damncreative said...

hey vedanth. Its pretty good dude. The thing i noticed is , it feels like the mid body of horse is disconnected .cos There is no movement at all. All i can see is the front and the back. You need to flow the energy.Just understand how the skeleton works for a animals . I guess the best ref is spirit where u can study lots of horses. keep up the good work

Unknown said...

Nice job buddy...d shoulders of d horse came out good. But I agree wit Damncreative.
I'll like it more with a lil flex in d mid body of d horse to giv dat beautiful wavy spline movement to d rider. Look into it....