Sunday, December 14, 2008


New hindi old animated movie.. just came to know that its originally a thai movie.. pretty good animation.. dont know what to expect as i've not got a chance to watch any thai animated movie till now.. well lets hope this turns out to be good..

Do watch the trailer and post your thoughts.. :)



Prasad said...

cutee cute ! ...ya me too hope so ...but tell me who dunit ! ...lot of weakness in animation though !!!

Chandrashekhar Ramprasad said...

Hey Guys,

Read this

Dapoon said...

well it's not an indian animated film. as shown in the link posted by chandu, it's originally a thai film named Khan Kluay that was released in 2006 to much accolades and laurels! it was even dubbed in english and released in the states on DVD as The Blue Elephant.
now it's india's turn! they simply brought akshay kumar et al to dub the movie... that's it!
for more info check this out

as far as the animation is concerned, yep it's pretty decent... although cud've been MILES MILES better! some of the characters look pretty neat (esp the bird!). but the look and feel of the entire thing is very sad for a feature length film! it seems more like a TV series animation... and in some parts it seems like a student project!
however the story seems pretty mature (compared to roadside romeo). hopefully it'll prove its worth! :D

Nary said...

oops.. hehehe.. anyway lets see how it turns out to be..

Chandrashekhar Ramprasad said...

right! but we shouldn't expect much from a film by new players in the industry. i liked the look of the film, the colors are soothing and not too gaudy. true, that the animation could have been far far better. now that roadside romeo has set a benchmark, we just need to get better and better.